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    Did You Know Account Customers Can Place Back Orders Online?

    Did you know that, as a Macsteel account customer, you can place back orders online? This means that even if you see that an item is out of stock on Macsteel’s Online Shop, you can still add it to your cart and checkout. Macsteel will receive your order and source the goods for you.

    If you do place a back order online, remember that the delivery dates you see on checkout may not be accurate as this item is out of stock – so please contact a Macsteel sales representative at your closest branch and they will be able to assist you and confirm the estimated delivery date for your backordered items.

    If you are a cash sales customer, this particular benefit is not available for you and you won’t be able to place backorders online, but you are welcome to reach out to our sales team directly. They'll happily explore options with you to accommodate your needs. We believe in finding solutions that work for everyone.

    Here are the 4 easy steps you can follow to place a backorder online:

    1. Macsteel account holders can place backorders online for materials which are out of stock. Simply add “out of stock” materials to your cart by entering  the number of items you would like to order and click the “Add to Cart” button:

    1. Once your order is placed online, these materials will be placed on backorder. Macsteel staff are notified that you would like these goods.

    1. Contact a Macsteel sales representative at your closest branch to find out when the estimated delivery date for your backordered items will be.
    1. Once the goods are at your closest branch, they will be delivered to you as usual.

    Summary of Back Order Information:

    Delivery Dates:  The delivery date that will display at checkout for your order will not apply to backordered materials - please contact your sales clerk to confirm the estimated delivery of your backordered items.

    Backorders Not Applicable for Cash Sales: Cash sale customers who do not have a Macsteel Account cannot place backorders online.

    Items on Special: Materials offered on special cannot be backordered as they are on special.

    For any queries, please contact the Macsteel E-commerce Team on 011 871 0300.

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